Substance use treatment

  • Yoga class. Young couple are meditating and doing yoga exercises while sitting in lotus pose on a green grass in open field. Sunny morning. Meditation concept

Life Skills You’ll Learn in Addiction Recovery

July 17, 2019|Substance Abuse, Treatment|

Going through substance abuse treatment and addiction recovery programs is more than just finding freedom from substances – it is a way in which you can completely turn your life around, reject the old lifestyle you once pursued and build recovery skills. These life skills are a key component to any recovery program as they provide you with the tools you need to get back into the world with a newfound strength, healthy goals and coping mechanisms that will sustain recovery for the long run. What are recovery skills? Recovery skills are introduced in substance abuse treatment as tools [...]

  • Man wearing beanie staring intently at his laptop

6 Common Causes of Substance Use in Men

February 6, 2019|Substance Abuse|

Substance use is something many people suffer from in their own lives or in the life of a family member or friend. It can be a difficult subject, especially because the causes of substance use are complex and often different between men and women. For example, statistics show that men typically begin using drugs at a younger age, but women are more prone to relapsing. Additionally, there may be emotional and/or mental health aspects that play a role in substance use. Here are some of the most common causes of drug or alcohol addiction in men and associated signals to [...]