
  • Man holding hand of spouse receiving mental health treatment

What is the Relationship Between Mental Illness and Substance Use

July 25, 2019|Mental Health, Substance Abuse|

Whether you have experienced it in your own life, or have witnessed it happen in the life of a loved one, you may have noticed that some people who battle a mental illness of some kind also struggle with substance abuse; or vice versa – someone diagnosed with substance abuse struggles with some form of a mental health disorder. While not everyone will be affected by it, individuals who battle substance abuse or a mental illness are occasionally diagnosed with what is called either a co-occurring disorder or a dual diagnosis. This is often a result of the way [...]

  • Sad woman in the room

The Unique Risk Factors of Substance Use in Women

June 18, 2019|Substance Abuse|

A quick review of substance use statistics clearly reveals an unexpected trend: in many cases, women are more prone to substance use than men. There are many reasons for this, but it illuminates the urgency of seeking treatment for women dealing with these struggles. While there are certain similarities between the risk factors that predispose men and women to developing a substance use disorder, there are unique factors that may cause women to struggle with addiction more. In order to get the help you need, or provide assistance for a struggling family member or friend, it is beneficial to know [...]

  • Doctor (gynecologist or psychiatrist) consulting and examining woman patient's health in medical clinic or hospital health service center

What Is A Co-Occurring Disorder?

June 12, 2019|Mental Health, Substance Abuse|

Overcoming a substance use disorder or mental illness is challenging – overcoming both at the same time is an even more difficult feat. Difficult, but not impossible. Some people seeking treatment for a substance use disorder (SUD) or mental illness are often diagnosed with a co-occurring disease, an SUD and a mental health condition like depression, anxiety or PTSD. While these diagnoses present unique challenges in recovery, the right treatment program can help you manage both sets of symptoms and recover from both disorders simultaneously. Examples of co-occurring disorders Co-occurring disorders, sometimes known as dual diagnosis, co-occur, sometimes as a direct [...]

  • Consulting with expert.

4 Things to Remember When Searching for a Therapist

November 15, 2018|Mental Health, Treatment|

If you are suffering from mental illness, searching for a therapist is an important step towards recovery and having a better life. However, finding a therapist can be a difficult and deeply personal task. You are trying to find a person with the right skills, training and personality to help you find mental health and wellness. This is not a process that should be rushed or done carelessly. While you might desire to see a resolve in your mental health now, it is important to remember that healing takes time, and the work you put in at the start – such [...]

  • Couple hugging at beach

What Can I Do to Support My Spouse in Addiction Treatment?

May 30, 2018|Family Support, Treatment|

A drug or alcohol addiction can put immense strain on a relationship. If your spouse or significant other has recently started a treatment program, they have taken an important step towards recovery, but you may be wondering when the difficulties are going to end. While recovery and treatment are still challenging times for both of you, there are steps you can take to support your loved one in recovery that will help minimize the strain and provide a hopeful outlook during this time. What can I do to support my spouse in addiction recovery? Support is more than making [...]

  • Social issue of Stress, depress, headache, addiction concept. Young Asian woman hands touching her head in abandoned house at rural forest.

The Dangers of Untreated Mental Illness

May 22, 2018|Mental Health, Treatment|

Millions of Americans suffer from mental illness every year. The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) estimates that 43.8 million adults in the United States experience mental illness annually. Around 10 million people suffer from a mental illness that severely interferes with major life activities. Sadly, more than half of these mental illnesses go untreated, leaving adults and children unnecessarily suffering from symptoms. The reasons why people don’t seek treatment are vast. The stigma and shame around receiving treatment can keep people from getting help. Poverty or embarrassment can also keep someone from asking for assistance. It may be difficult [...]

  • group of students walking to university building

How to Identify Signs of Drug Use in Young Adults

March 29, 2018|Substance Abuse|

College is a wildly important time in your development as a person. You're now responsible for your own schedule, you have to ensure you're getting three meals a day and no one but yourself is keeping you accountable to a healthy routine of sleeping, eating and exercising. So much responsibility for a young adult, however, can be truly overwhelming, not to mention the addition of the ever-constant pressure of one's peers. In an environment that usually has less structure than one's home, college can lead to unhealthy choices as a result of unhealthy routines, peers and an overabundance of freedom. [...]

  • Close-up of a devastated young man holding his head in his hands and a group of friends in a supportive pose around him

What to Do If You’re Concerned About a Friend Using Substances

January 10, 2018|Substance Abuse|

Our friendships can add immense value to our lives. Sometimes, though, we find ourselves concerned about a friend and his or her well-being. If you have a loved one who you suspect may have developed a problem with drug or alcohol use, it can be difficult to know what to do and how to go about it. The good news is that your friend already has an advantage in recovery, and that's you. Social support can be critical in mitigating the issues that arise with a substance use disorder, and intervention from loved ones could be the thing that tips [...]

  • Close-up photo of a teenage girl's hands with fingers crossed nervously. She is in a therapy session with her psychotherapist.

Benefits of Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Training for People with Depression

March 11, 2014|Mental Health, Treatment|

Dialectical behavior therapy or DBT was originally developed to treat people with borderline personality disorder, particularly those who were chronically suicidal. However, mental health experts are now finding that DBT skills training can be used in outpatient psychiatric care to address symptoms of depression as well as many other mental illnesses. What is dialectical behavior therapy? Dialectical behavior therapy is a modified form of cognitive behavioral therapy developed by Dr. Marsha Linehan that focuses on "accepting" uncomfortable and unhealthy behaviors and thoughts instead of struggling against them. The idea behind it is that once such a behavior is validated, changing [...]